Category Archives: Technology

Thoughts about technology and how it helps and hinders the insightful mind.

Too Many Passwords – Update

Whoohoo! It’s almost 10 years later and password management apps are de rigueur. Since that post way back in 2012, not only are there multiple ways to save passwords including in your browser (which I would not recommend) there are passwords needed for absolutely everything.

Right now I have more than 500 passwords stored in my password manager. And have just added the “family” feature so passwords that should be shared don’t end up in someone’s notebook on or a post-it note stuck to their computer.

Here’s what I was thinking back then.



Speaking of Dashboards

WordPress calls the overview pane for the application a “dashboard.” Web hosts do too. The idea that an aggregate of reports and choices are displayed on one master screen.

Well, I would wish to extend that concept to the computer in general. To have configured presets of applications and locations that together facilitate completion of a task.

For example, a tool bar or dashboard that has links to all your social media sites so you can move from one to the next posting and commenting. Where you are permanently logged in. Switch that set for one that facilitates prepping photos with applications and folders aggregated in one place. No hunting and searching.

You would be able to create as many sets of files, folders, applications and sites as would fulfill a particular task or need. And switch from set to set as your work flow required.

There must be something like this out there. If I can imagine it, then it has been imagined.

Too many passwords

The first time I accessed the blog admin page, I got rejected because the user name and password were incorrect. This week I have had to create six — no eight — new passwords for new accounts, password expirations and file security. The day can’t come fast enough when I can use my thumbprint or retinal scan instead of a mishmash of numbers, letters and symbols.